The Other Wes Moore: Assignment #2


The Other Wes Moore:

By: Destiny Portillo

Page 27: Tony lectures Wes about taking school seriously and staying off the streets. Talk about the relationship between those two.  What advice do you give your siblings based on your mistakes in life?


Within chapter two in the novel "The Other Wes Moore", Tony consistently tries to lead Wes in the path of doing right and focusing on his academics.  Tony is known in the novel to be perceived as the “tough” well known guy in the streets.  This being due to the fact that Tony has made multiple mistakes while younger and has been selling drugs since his early teens.  Of course as Tony is Wes’ older brother; there is the looking up to the older sibling concept at hand.  Wes tends to allow the advice Tony provides him to go in through one ear and out through the other because of how “cool” Tony looks to him.  Which illuminates the crucial factor of being a sibling, because you are leading the way for your siblings who are amazed by your every move.

Being the oldest sibling out of three it has been an absolute journey of learning progressively.  Since I was the first born child I experienced life as a roller coaster, having to detect right from wrong.  In order to have learned what was best for my succession in life, I stumbled upon wrong doings.  My wrong doings consisted of hiding and lying to my parents at a particular age which led to my academics dropping.  I had prioritized hanging around the wrong crowd and trying to fit in so oftenly that I forgot what expectations were being set up for me.  Not only expectations, but what was simply best for me in the long run for my future.  

Having experienced hardships such as upsetting my parents when endangering my academics the switch in me flipped.  I despised the feeling of having others disappointed in me, and my parents are my number one fans along with my siblings.  I decided to correct the path of not following along with the crowd (street), but setting up a dependable role model image for my brother and sister.  That way as they grew up they knew they could look up to me, that they could ask questions, to know right from wrong, and prioritize the important things in life.  Having corrected my act in middle school I was able to elevate my academics; graduating with a 4.0 and in the Top 25 of my class paved the way for me getting a full ride to further my education in college.  With that having been said, when it comes to the advice I provide to my siblings, I always recommend not to be afraid to ask for help.  Also letting them know that it is indeed okay to fail or make mistakes, but these are the opportunities given to us where we can decide how we want to come back better!  Thus, although Tony has made his many mistakes he is providing words of advice for his brother to be better than he was or ever will be.  To take advantage of his education while he had it, but of course actions must align with words or it may be hard to achieve the message given to us as Wes seems to portray within the novel.


  1. Hello, Destiny. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful topic. I completely agree with you and can identify to being the eldest and only child. Going through all of the blunders, difficulties, and ups and downs. However, it was not for naught. I understand the parallel you created by narrating your tale and how Tony had to push his brother to follow a better life path and make better decisions in Chapter 2. Even if you had to transmit that message to your own siblings, everything you went through only strengthened you and shaped you into the person you are now, and that, my fellow classmate, is amazing!


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